Thursday 26 December 2013

Turkey Korma

Very sad to announce that, having been grievously wounded yesterday in a serious roasted-for-3-hours-and-then-hacked-with-a-carving-knife incident, the remains of our Xmas turkey (Geraldine *) has today slipped into a korma and now is no more.

I reckon I have stripped about a more-than-paltry kilo of meat (mixed white and dark) off poor old Geraladine's ** bones (which were then boiled for a couple of hours along with the left over veg, for a delicious soup***)

Whizz up a couple of onions. about a thumb-full of fresh ginger ****,  and 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of chilli flakes until smooth like a paste, and add to a pan with about 3 or 4 tablespoons of veg oil preheating on the hob.

Fry gently of about 10 mins, before adding 2 teaspoons of ground coriander, and 1 teaspoon each of turmeric & garam masala, 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of cumin*****. Fry for a little longer (attending often to make sure the spices don't stick), then add 3 big spoons of full fat yoghurt or cream and a can of coconut milk. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add half of a 200g pack of ground almonds****** and simmer gently til the sauce thickens, stirring occasionally. Season with salt and some lemon juice ( a liberal squirt from a jiffy lemon to taste) and add the diced up turkey meat to heat through before you serve.

At this stage, if, like me, you find that you are a wee bit overcome with emotion at Geraldine's no-more-ness, try not to dwell too long on her passing: Instead, you would do well to remember the good times you shared: such as how you both laughed when she nearly didn't fit into the oven in the first place on Xmas day morning.


* I thought she looked a little like this when I first clapped eyes on her in the reduced aisle at Tesco

** Sorry this is really just a repeat note about *. Apologies for any offence caused to any real Geraldines out there. But this is my turkey, not yours.

*** Strain the stock, add a good splash of red wine (you know you have drunk more than enough already this xmas and can spare a glassful or two), some mash and whats left of the bread sauce & gravy. Thicken with a roux made of plain flour and a little of the turkey fat you drained from the roasting tin (add the roux to the soup and stir like fook until it boils and thickens). Add a few bits of chopped Geraldine and some left over veg (I had plenty of Delia's red cabbage going spare)

**** Or add some dried ginger to the spice mix *****

****** Or all of a 100g pack

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